slashed a hole in all four tires.
a run is great, Anselm's expecting even worse XD oh, at this point I can assume they already discussed whatever he figured out in his earlier scouting threads? mostly that CD had a leadership change that wasn't exactly smooth, CdM is pretty much a pack of teenagers who are idealistic but harmless, PV more or less wants peace, etc.? and general member counts, I suppose. Tongue he never got to Aniwaya tho. They're too far away to matter XDD

@#$%&A mixture of relief and horror washed over him as he caught the sound of movement within the den; relief that the burden would be off of his chest and maybe just because Gabriel was on all fours. The cousins had seen one another operate in battle--Anselm knew of the blind rage, the berserker mode that could fuel the golden-eyed hybrid in his hottest moments. Although he trusted his friend enough to know not to kill the messenger, so to speak, he also understood that in a moment of pain and betrayal, anyone might want to lash out at the nearest target, guilty or not. At least he wouldn't be sucker-punched this way, eh?

@#$%&"I have... news." He inhaled. "It's about Faol. I saw her the other day... she looks alive and well, but..." he trailed off, uncertain of how to continue. Sugar-coating things so they were easier to digest was decidedly not his strong suite, but he wasn't sure it was needed. Already the Aquila could gather one fact on his own: she was back on their peninsula, quite nearby even (as Anselm rarely strayed further than the city), and yet she was not here. "She's been bedding with another. But I don't even know if it's her fault. She didn't know her own name," he stressed, uncertainty in his gaze before he dropped it to the ground left of Gabriel's feet.

@#$%&In truth, Anselm had never encountered somebody with amnesia before; if, perhaps, the brightly-coloured female had been any more generic looking he might have questioned his own sanity instead. But no, there was no mistaking her identity--they had lived together the entire time he'd been in Inferni. Another side of him was tempted to think she was playing the fool on purpose, but no--she really hadn't recognised him (or herself), it seemed, and he was completely baffled by it. "I'm sorry," he added finally, quietly. "I thought you might want to know.."

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