I Saw the Future Whirling Around

But he was the only one. At times she felt like Haven was all she had left. It wasn’t their fault, not entirely. Anu was a leader, her time consumed with pack affairs and affairs of her own life. Salem was absent, Brook off with her own life. Naniko was the mother that Mati would never have and unstable in her violet eyes. Haven was it. He came to her mind when she thought of family, and it would be impossible to remove that. She couldn’t walk away from him, no….she had decided. She wanted him to always be the one she saw. She needed him more then he would ever know. Brother, she wanted to call him. Say his name and let the tears fall. Why would she judge him, how could she? He was one of mistakes just as she was, and it had passed though her mind that he could be capable of the mistakes of their sire. She hadn’t said the words, but she thought them. He could never know that she had faltered in her belief in him. God, she had made it so obvious already. How could she have been this way?

Haven crumbled before her, falling to the ground as if the weight of her judgment was finally too much for him. She followed, moving to the ground and knowing that she was the one that should be lower then the dirt that stood on. As the small word slipped from his mouth Mati felt a small relief fill her. There was another way, a way that she had always believed in that was the way of love. Her heart had told her that, but it was only their nature to go against the worlds of the soul, to follow the mind or body instead of the heart. She was victim to that way of thinking and she felt that Haven had fallen as well. As her brother spoke again she averted her eyes, not able to decipher the feeling that Princess brought her.

She wanted to tell him it did. Mati wanted to assure him so badly that of course they would each know the love that would each bring them happiness. But he was right, how were they to know that such a thing could exist? She was unsure of what to say, knowing how wrong she had been and how right his words seemed to be. “I’m sorry Haven,” Mati spoke in a voice that preached her honest and sincerity. “that she left.” He didn’t need to hurt like this, and it was all that coy’s fault. “I want it to be real, I want it to happen.” She spoke, unable to look at him.



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