Out for Lunch
Ty listened to Lysander's story with patience and interest, not all stories had to be dramatic tales of battle or tragidy after all. In fact, it was nice to hear a non-violent, peaceful, regular guy story, and a small contented smirk appeared on Ty's face when Lysander finished telling it. Nodding, he said "That's quite a tale my friend, I don't think I've ever seen more than fifty wolves in one place." It was a lie, but a little white lie, Ty simply did not want to detract from Lysander's story or downplay it. "And I thought you might have a bit of dog in you, I'm part sheepdog, but it's a really little part, so nobody really notices it as much unless they really try to look." He said as he shook his rather fluffy, shaggy coat. "To most people's eyes, I'm just a really furry pure wolf, nothing more." He chuckled lightly. "It must be interesting to have lots of people ask...would it be wrong of me to suspect you are part huskey?"

He didn't want to offend Lysander with that, but he felt it did look that way. Of course, Ty wasn't very judgmental of people because of what they were, dog, wolf, or coyote, it didn't honestly matter. But to some people, it mattered heavily, which worried poor Ty. He heard of something along the lines of this that humans suffered, and he wasn't interested in offending the fellow packmate. But some people were offended easily, and Ty understood that, he didn't suspect Lysander was one of those people though, and if he was, what could Ty do about it now besides apologize? It's not like he was attacking Lysander.

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