I've got sunshine

300+ words.

######The stark contrast of Leroy's coat still amused him, as it was something he had not frequently seen before. There were those with light colors, and those with dark colors, and those with the colors in the middle of the two. It was very rare for him to see someone with colors that contrasted so vastly with the color directly next to it, such as Leroy's black against white, and vise versa. It seemed as is he was not surprised to see Vigilante approaching, and this was not unexpected; Vigilante had been trying to make his steps more noticeable as of late, since no one here seemed to like being startled out of their fur. He was trying desperately to pull out of his old habits, and he was glad to know he was succeeding in his task. He considered the recent days he had been having. Nothing to complain about, he supposed.

######Their last meeting had not been very exciting, but he did not know what had been bothering his superior that day. It seemed that Leroy was in a more approachable mood today, which was good and very much appreciated. "Things have been well, thank you. I have been making acquaintances, both within the pack and outside, and that is always nice. How have things been treating you? I spoke with Miss Ayita recently, and she mentioned you," he offered tentatively, wondering what Leroy might have to say about the situation. His female friend had seemed a little nervous about the situation, but Vigilante wanted to know Leroy's view on the situation, which is why he left out the mention of what Ayita had actually said. He saw no real reason to be unhappy about their relationship, but he wanted to make sure that Leroy would be treating her right. It was possible Leroy may shed some light.


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