what blind eyes see

Firefly hadn't really been paying attention to the world around her after she'd reached the bluff. She hadn't really thought that there had been a reason to and truth be told she hadn't really cared if she'd been found or not. The golden lady stood upon the hilltop smiling to herself at some personal little thought while the world seemed to move around her. She didn't mind that the real world was being ignored for a moment as long as she was able to relax. It was rather simple how quickly she was able to settle back into the strange way of things that was their pirate life. Gypsies that had found a place to settle, slowly moving through the land that was theirs though if anyone really stopped to see the pack they would probably be laughing their way home at the lack of organization and laid back nature of their own little world. It didn't matter to Firefly though, it was home.

It never really came to a surprise to the woman though when the scent of another tripped on the winds and crossed her path. She had just raised her head at recognizing the scent when the voice cried out. Firefly couldn't help but flick her ears back. She really hadn't stopped to think what her disappearance might have done to the blind girl who had once been her friend. She tried to push past the guilt as she called back to the other. "Who else would it be Lil' Blue Eyes.." she asked as she rose from her position and moved towards the younger woman who's vision was lost on this world.

Firefly circled the other packmate, letting her tail brush slightly again the younger woman's coat as she chuckled. "Did you think I could really leave..." She flicked her bangs out of her face as she grinned, "Besides, who would keep Jac inline and fetch him when he's wandered too far." She knew that Ruri was always there to keep Jac inline in her own ways but Firefly figured that it was a good enough excuse for returning, even though she really didn't need an excuse. She settled down infront of Ruri as she wondered just where their directionless leader was just now.


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