Child of the wilderness [private]

Though the woman was better known for staying within the packlands she'd decided to stroll across the unclaimed lands instead today. She hadn't seen her siblings in a long while and there was no real reason for her to keep away from them. Even though they'd never really seen eye to eye on many things she didn't hate them. Firefly was just hard to get along with, except for Kansas, her lighter hued twin was her bane to her mean streak. There was nothing that she could do to harm the boy and she didn't think she'd ever want to, though the world changed everyday and she never knew what tomorrow might just bring.

Today though she'd begun to walk along the southern beach of the packlands and instead of continue inland when she'd come to the edge of their border she just continued on down the way, the gentle lapping of the waves along her side made her smile, remembering sadly the day she'd turned away from her once clan and watched her brother and sister head to Eire to lead the forces again the illegitimate claims of the new leader. She knew they would be victorious though she had no clue if DaVinci would stay and lead the people or if he'd find his way back to these lands again. She knew he'd given up more than she had upon leaving.. in his own ways but he'd kept his back turned on the lands and those he loved while she'd ran back to the home she knew now.

She hadn't really noticed when she'd finally turned inland and had found herself wandering through lands that she hadn't set paw in in some time. She shook the thoughts out of her head as she lifted her eyes off the ground to catch sight of a figure, no two that seemed familiar to her. She couldn't help but smile as she called out a greeting. "Look what the cat dragged in.. haven't seen the likes of you in forever.." Her eyes cast back and forth between the two shades so different and yet the two figure having so much more and common than she ever would with them.. just blood tied them now.


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