the space between us all
ooc: I'm gonna turn addison into a chef o.o too. XD

She did like the taste of clam, overall. She had tried many different foods from different lands; she hadn't known what lay north of Phoenix Valley, and had discovered over time that Dahlia de Mai sat right on the shoreline. Did that mean that the pack owned that patch of ocean, too? She had hunted for clams and sea urchins there. Ever since Geneva had taught her how to read she had been looking at cookbooks, but most of the dishes that she had found in them didn't seem like they could be made. She didn't have many of the ingredients.

The colors that the flames had turned had surprised her. She didn't think that it was something that Hemming had done that had made it like that, and she definitely hadn't done anything. Was there something different about this wood that they were using? It was driftwood, wood that had been submerged in salt water. Maybe it burned different colors than normal wood! "There was salt-water in this wood's driftwood. Maybe it's supposed to do this. I'd never made a fire before with this kind of wood before. It's definitely hot...but just a different color" She reached a hand toward the flames as well, as he had, feeling the heat.

Before long the edges of the clam pieces were beginning to brown and she put her hand forward again to pick them out without thinking. Addison immediately pulled it back again at the sudden burst of pain, gritting her teeth. Hot! "Ahhhh! Oh, owch. I think I burned my hand"


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