the simplest way to fall apart
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SO SORRY this is so late. >< And it's crap. WC: 300+

The water trickled over ridges and leapt over crevices for a few minutes before the Italian fae was joined by another. She grew lazy through the time she stopped at the wonder, and her eyelids were growing heavy with want of sleep. Thin limbs stretched over the edge, dainty paws resting against the vertical surface of the rock face as her whole pelt ruffled gently in the wind. Invisible fingers tousled her fur, messing more than it would usually have been, but otherwise she looked completely calm. Signature turquoise optics shielded under lids that shut out light, Ghita was giving in to the primal need of sleep.

She hadn't been sleeping well, and that was a fact. She had tried to nap inside the Manor like the others of her pack did, but the roof leering over her had always bugged her, even in Italy where ancient steeples scraped the periwinkle sky. A scent drifted into the ebony caverns, speeding as the pup grew closer. This scent poked at her, nudging her in a way that demanded recognition. When pawsteps echoed through her cranium, she lifted her head and chest, baring her silver-tipped pelt to the water below.

Lazily regarding the newcomer, she was greeted cordially, albeit quietly, and the voice brought meaning to the feeling that rankled her skin. Bringing her elbows so they were more comfortable beneath the stone, she extended her legs out so she was lying on her side before she spoke. "Hi there. You're Cambria, daughter Savina, si?" Her English started off well, the plant rotting towards the ends. Blinking cautiously, she met Cambria's piercing emeralds with her own turquoise before continuing on. "I am Savina's sister, Ghita."

She was almost sure that this was her second niece, the polar opposite to Amata in pelt colour at least. Where Amata's was ivory, Cambria's seemed stained with the richest cocoa, seeping in through every hair to coat the fur. Her emeralds were also all too familiar to Ghita; She had grown up with them, but placed on ebony fur. She remembered the scent, had taken in every detail of her nieces and nephew at their birth similar to the way an alcoholic savored the sweetest wine, tasting all that could have been in her own litter. "It's good to see you again. But you won't remember me."


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