and i must be an acrobat
Pendzez felt relaxed as his mate's face touched his. He was used to her touch and how he enjoyed every second with her. He was pleased to see her well and recovering from her past injuries. He just liked that she was safe and well. "I'm fine. Just thought to go for a scroll on the beach on this fine day." Pendzez found today as a fine day to go for a walk along the calm beaches after the rain.

Pendzez began to wonder what to say to his mate. He wanted to ask her about pups, but saying it right now would have Xeris a bit edgy. Pendzez, however, wanted to have a conversation with her, maybe lead it up to asking about have pups to raise for themselves. He reckoned the two would be good parents. Besides, Phoenix Valley have a little record of having any pups, to Pendzez's knowledge. "How have you been?"

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