the only thing doing is nothing at all
and this one is long.. aha

Perhaps he would have been a good warrior, if they were defending a castle of chocolate. It smelled quite amazing, and something about the air in the little store made him swift in a rather twitchy way. True, he was usually a rather fast creature, but the chocolate seemed to make him more defensive and thus more likely to actually expend energy to protect it. Usually, he would've tossed it over to the girl, surrendering it to her rather frantic grabbing. The expedition and the sugar made him strangely excited. As for everyday life, without the influence of sugar seemingly diffusing into his veins, he was quick but his clumsiness more often than not got the best of him. That had been displayed in his play sword fight with Asha, when after a few good strikes he had been rather unable to make any successful strokes and was struggling to keep himself steady on his feet. He lacked endurance as well, though perhaps all of those things could be improved with some intensive training. He was quite happy building things, anyway, and likely too passive to actually enforce any kind of punishment or even do battle at all. He would feel guilty for everything.

At her next few statements, he raised an eyebrow and looked at her thoughtfully. Her argument did seem rather intelligent and it sounded like she knew what she was talking about. Okay, he would surrender. Ember's indifference as to whether he died or not would have been hurtful if he didn't think it was a joke, but because he was in such a silly mood he decided to pursue it. Placing the opened chocolate on a shelf regretfully, he put his basket down beside Ember's and chased her out the door and the few steps down the street that she had taken. The air outside seemed rather light and, actually, it was extremely refreshing.

As he caught up to her, he said, incredulous and huffing, "So you're saying," he kicked a pebble on the street, "you wouldn't care if I died?" Trying his best not to let the grin he was feeling shine through, he looked up at the girl with wide eyes, his ears back in fake sadness. "And," he added after he had taken a few steps, interrupting his sad puppy routine, "I think I'd have trouble complaining if I was dead, anyway, so I don't think you have to worry about that." At this statement he was unable to contain the grin, and so he let it shine as he reached the pebble and kicked it again.

james rocks :o

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