Lost in what seems to be reality.

Time stamp is roughly three weeks or more pregnant.

Ayita sat there she hadn't been back there long and she was already wishing she hadn't come back. The smell of blood and Leroy swept over her. She wasn't as mad but she was still mad at him. She stood as he held out a deer to her. "I don't need a gift." She said crossing her arms. "I'm still mad at you." She said lightly.

"I know that there's no real love between us Leroy. I know that but I don't wanna be alone. Just tell me now do you wanna be there or not." She said as she looked at the dead beast. She could feel tears starting to well up. She knew this wasn't easy on either of them. It didn't matter that she was upset she really wanted someone to hold her.

She started to cry trying to stop herself. "I'm so scared, I don't want to be alone."


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