Lost in what seems to be reality.


He wasn't surprised by her anger as he slowly lowered the elk to his side, his eyes never leaving hers as she spoke to him. Breathing in Ayita's scent and image for a moment he let his eyes move to her stomach and he got that feeling again, that feeling that made he so protective of the land. Of his home, his family.

Brows pushed together as he still felt ashamed of himself, when Ayita's blue eyes filled with tears Leroy couldn't take it anymore even if she was still mad at him. "I'm staying here with you Ayita" His deep voice was a kind whisper as he dropped the deer moving to embrace her into a hug, to hold her and take away the tears but oddly he didn't wanna hurt her either being careful not to be too rough. "It'll be ok Ayita, I-I'm scared to but I want to be here. We can be happy, be a family." Moving a hand he gently brushed away her tears before slowly moving his hand to her stomach, stopping he glanced back at her nervously wondering if he was allowed.





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