Lost in what seems to be reality.

Ayita watched him set the elk down. there was just something strange about Leroy right now. He was very out of character was he really as scared as he said he was? He had embraced her and no matter how hard she tried there was just no way. She couldn't stop cry. Leaning into him she cried so hard.

"Thank you." She said into his chest. What more could she say. "How can a family work with no love Leroy. I care about you and I know you care about me but I'm not ready to say I love you." She said as she cuddled in closer. She noticed his hand and she smiled taking hold of it placing it on her stomach. "They are are growing. I hope they will be strong like you." She said. She looked into his eyes. How was this going to work sure right now they were ok. They had been flirting and courting and having fun. But now there were going to be two more lives for them to take care of.


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