So why don't you sing to me

-bounces- yay!

Why had he not thought of it before? He could picture the crowd, the mob that swarmed around her as she stood beside their King. He felt a sense of pride that he held that place beside him, and for once the jealousy was lost. Because he was the one that parted the mass of bodies. Riding the roan mare Heath reached her in an instant, he voice calling to her, his hand reaching to pull her from the swarms of luperci and hoist her to the seat aback the horse, right before his own. He wished that his courage had been so grand that he had done that. She would have been surprised and flattered by his actions and blush because it was bold and among so many watching eyes. Though in reality if he had tried such a thing it would have gone horribly wrong and it was his luck to trample someone while trying to get to her.

She approached the horse, and Lumière stood calmly as she investigated the new female. Others had hoped to know her, and the mare had been brash and usually approached without an invitation. Heath wondered if her relaxed position was the tire she felt from the race, or if was just the collie’s demeanor that made her so calm. Heath smiled as he watched her touch the horse’s nose, the dark face moved to fit it’s nose in the light toned paw. He patted her neck, grateful that she was so gentle with the sightless hybrid. Gold eyes watched them, and ears took in the voice that sang to him with every word. He felt his heartbeat, thumping in his chest and found that the merle collie was more beautiful then any creature that he ever known. He had known her beauty, such a thing any beast with sight or not could know, but Heath found he had rediscovered it or perhaps a part he had yet to find.

It was Stark that broke his concentration, and at first glared at the stallion. Her voice calmed him, and the horse looked only momentarily at him before turning his concentration back to the female. He was happily blowing warm air at the woman’s head, and watching her hair sway at his persuasion. No matter how hard Heath looked at him Stark only paused when Ruri chose to speak. “Stark is trained, though not in the speed and fury that Lumière has.” he spoke with a small laugh, eyes on the woman indeas of the horse that he spoke of. “He’s docile, but doesn’t like to be ignored. He believes Lumière gets too much attention.” Heath could not help but speak as if they were just as he and Ruri, with thoughts and feelings, voices that spoke in a language that they did not understand. He believed it.

The male swallowed at the next thought that came to him, and he asked with a hesitation that only she brought him. “We could take him out, if you cared for a ride?" He could hear his heart in his ears, wondering if she would take up the offer. Stark would be happy for the exercise, and Heath would be more then happy for the time spent with her.



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