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        His initial impression was that she had tackled the entire thing walking alone--now it seemed that while she had support, perhaps she had lacked the most vital components. Her words were somewhat ambiguous, and he couldn't quite tell if by "father" she meant Valkyrie's sire or himself. Either way he was relieved to hear of her relationship with Gabriel--that was more what he would have expected in the first place. The clan members all had their own lives and duties to deal with, but they looked out for their own. They rarely quarrelled amongst themselves and their strength was as a unit.

        What she said next offered clues as to the nature of the night that lead to his grandchild's conception--it sounded like a one night stand, pure and simple. He wasn't sure why she felt so much shame over the incident. Then again, most of his similar encounters had been by and large consequence free, while hers obviously was not. He couldn't help but be immensely curious about the mystery man's identity--he had been ever since Gabriel had brought up the entire situation. It bothered him that Ryan seemed so hesitant to share... she had with his cousin, apparently, but she couldn't tell him?

        "Does she know?" he asked dejectedly, knowing that she didn't want to talk about the past, but also knowing that Val would eventually come to realise how the world worked and ask about the identity of her father. After all, even Ryan had known his name before she'd come to Inferni. It also struck him as dangerous--Ryan had already lost out on her youth completely, and he really didn't want to one day hear about Valkyrie stumbling down the same path and having children so young. These kinds of things had a nasty habit of repeating themselves if not addressed properly. Between him and Ryan, they were already two for two--and like Ryan, Valkyrie wouldn't be as able to walk away like he had if something did come up.

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