satisfaction guaranteed.

» mí también. >P -Had already played in future threads as though he knew who it was, didn't want to lay up on it.- D: also T_T you'll have to bring Ryan back again when you can! Anselm will miss her. Sad

        If anything were clear from the past, it was that Anselm was a selfish creature. He did what (and who) he wanted when he wanted, he said whatever he wanted (whether or not it was truthful or might hurt), and this situation, alas, was no different. When it came to a battle between the ego and the id, the id always won, leaving the super-ego to wallow and inspire guilt until the id convinced it to fuck off. As much as he wanted to respect her privacy and unwillingness to share, burning curiosity had consumed him more. Thus, when she spoke the man's name, he felt a mixture of mollification and revulsion.

        "What? That bone smuggler?!" he exclaimed, oblivious to how harsh it may have sounded. Fortunately, though, his features dropped and he shook his head quickly, eyes wide. "Oh, hun, you can do so much better than that," he said, tone now more forlorn, yet gentle. Only now could he understand her hesitancy and despair--they'd hit another bump in the road, it seemed, but perhaps this one was necessary to shake things back into alignment. In all honesty, he could have never understood without her sharing this piece of information.

        She had looked away, and he moved forward, nudging her chin gently up with his snout. "But I suppose you already knew that. Ugh, I'm sorry for pressing the issue," he said, now slightly disgusted with himself--touché, ego, you won in the end after all, and now his super-ego wouldn't let him live it down. "But now... now I understand." A pause. "Man that guy is a freak," he fumed, clicking his teeth together--it was obvious that while he understood, he hadn't completely digested the situation yet. Then he half-laughed, if only because he didn't know what else to do: "Hey, you want me to kick his ass anyway?" What he had meant to say was: I still love you and you have my support; as usual, things came out kind of wrong, but he really hoped she'd understand anyway. And now, if she wished to not speak on the matter any further, he'd be more than happy to oblige.

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