For a Small Moment In Time
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It’s okay~! <3 Should we wrap this one up soon?

"She appreciates your loyalty," the soft voice replied, and her voice was certain. Loyalty was a thing that all leaders appreciated of their members. The Adonis gave her loyalty to Dahlia and to Cercelee, and she worked to serve them well. The woad warrior did not doubt that Savina required the same thing, and she did not doubt the gratitude that would be felt. Anu was a good wolf, and she would serve Savina and the pack of Crimson Dreams well.

A soft nod was given in response to the other fae’s words. At times the warrior did wonder, but her Dreams, guided by the wings and cries of the pied Raven, illuminated the world for her. When it did not reveal the nature of her purpose and of the path before her, she did not wonder any longer but simply continued upon life’s path as was expected of her. The Morrigan expected war from the warrior, and the woad upon her body bound her soul to the goddess of three, of ravens, of war, and she sent the songs to sing through Cwmfen’s soul, to kindle life within her as a small flame that hardly lit up within the vastness of the world. The warrior’s life was no more significant than another’s. She understood that too. Her modest life was lived with such understanding. Her purpose was to fight, to kill. Now, too, was it to conceive of the twins, to whelp them, to raise them. And she would do that before she returned to battle.

"You have not missed it," the alto melody replied with quiet certainty. "Purpose— is inevitable." There was a brief pause as the white orbs considered the woman with eyes like water. "Everything we do has been preordained—even the worst." That is what the warrior understood. As a child of Nemain, of the Morrigan, she understood such a thing with an acute precision. Such a thing made her accepting of the events of her life. Even the night she had experienced beneath Corvus’ body was accepted as a thing preordained, as a thing in which she was meant to be defeated so that Onus would kill the crow wolf. Things were made in sacrifice for so that others could do what they must. A faint smile moved across her lips. The good were not excused from such things. It was not a matter of being deserving or undeserving, for surely Fate did not discriminate. "You are on the right path. Even when you stray, you are not lost." She wondered at Anu’s uncertainty. Uncertainty was a thing with which the warrior had grown familiar within the months of her pregnancy, and even now, with the telling of that fantastic tale, she had felt it. But it was not the same, she thought as the uncertainty felt by the Crimson Dreamer. But the warrior was silent and did not move into thoughts that she was not meant to know.


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