With or without you

Time is going too fast, James D:


Ember approached the idea of a sword in a slightly more scary manner than Jazper did. As she pulled the shining thing from its sheath, the boy gasped a little in awe. It was so wonderfully shiny! He took a couple of tentative steps forward to get a better look at it, his azure eyes moving up and down its edge. He was amazed by its robustness, the sharpness and straightness of its edges, but mostly he was intrigued by the way it seemed to have a light of its own, emanating from within. Gotham was immensely curious, but when the other ebony wolf mentioned that she hadn't had to use it on someone else he simpered a bit, taking a couple of small, nervous steps backwards. Her next phrase was even more frightful, and he took two bigger steps back. Spanking naughty puppies? Gotham was no naughty puppy, he promised. He would never do anything naughty, either. The boy stared at the scary sword-weilding wolf with wide eyes. Her statement that she was only kidding was lost on his muddled brain as he scanned his memory for anything he had ever done wrong. Auntie Ember was scary! And she had a sword, which made her even more scary but also maybe just a little bit cool.


Standing a few puppy steps away now, he listened to Ember as she explained that she had more weapons. His ears flicked back for a second. Do not show fear! he urged himself. Quietly, he said, "Jazper has a sword," as if to explain why he knew what they were. If it came down to it, the big black male would protect him. Another thought crossed Gotham's mind, then, as he thought about the wolves that had swords. Were all black wolves supposed to have swords? His mum didn't have one, as far as he knew, but maybe she hid it from him. Perhaps one day the little boy would have one, too.

Ithen made this! ♥


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