Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?
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WC: 300+
kick Miyu in the paaants~ because she never repliiiieees~
she is made of faaaiiil~ even if she triiieees~!

Heath had already quaffed his glass of vodka before Jacquez decided to grace him with a response. He waited impatiently for the bottle to be returned to his empty claws, but it did not come. Heath needed it more than he did, to cut the tension that only he felt. Sighing in a huff, the alcoholic king let his brief attention span return to the conversation at hand. Ruri had assigned the wanderer - no, packmate - to hunt him down, ask him to return. Well, he had never really left, just been living as a bohemian for a few weeks. Was he really missed that much?

"Yes, Ruri loves me." Jac smiled smugly, a satisfied gleam in his onyx-black eyes. If Heath was aware of that, then he would know not to come between the two collies. It was their comfort zone, both of them needing some sort of platonic love as a replacement for the family and friends they grew up without. But the mad king had not foreseen that his own frequent absences would force his Ruri to adapt and branch out, to mature, to... change. And he was not capable of changing. He would always be the same. He simply assumed that she would always be there too...

The self-centered man was never one to notice others' discomfort, though, and barely registered that the coy-wolf's demeanor and tone had grown stiff and closed-off. But his mind never lingered on one topic for too long, and soon he airily dismissed his suspicions. "So, you are one of us now! That is a pleasant surprise. I trust Svara did not give you too much trouble, eh? She can be sharp-tongued, but she means well, sometimes at least." The one-armed dog laughed at his own joke, unaware that his co-leader had deserted his kingdom. He needed to learn that he could not vanish for a month and expect his affairs to be the same as when he left them.


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