Lost in what seems to be reality.

.......ooc naps are cute ^^

Smiling at Ayita's reaction to the dress made Leroy feel proud of himself that she liked it, looking down at the dress for a moment he considered her words. "maybe but it looks very lose around the belly, we have time for it later." Speaking with warmth he put the dress back as he watched her for a moment, slowly crawling on the bed to her side felt nice. The bed bent under his weight as the soft cool blankets felt so nice on his skin as he turned to look at Ayita with a smile,"I agree, I rather you and the pups be here then off somewhere, i would go insane with worry." A yawn escaped him as he rolled to face her with red eye full of sleepiness and a faint playfulness as he looked at her,tail moving slowly leroy opened his arms so she may get comfortable on him as she saw fit. "We can talk more later but I declare you rest when tired an I need your company for healing my healer." Speaking in warm tones he was happy, scared but happy.





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