Corporal punishment

The other male kept talking, but Hybrid wasn't listening. He didn't care for the other's words or his kind thoughts. He did not care what the other thought this might be - it was all just stupid and seriously screwed up. There was no way this would ever work out. Fuck, Hybrid would not let this work out. Whatever it was, however one could define it, it had to stop. Hybrid would put an end to it once and for all.

There would be no more of this lying to himself, all these attempts to pretend what they had was something worthwhile. When it had first started, it had been nothing. It had been something. In the beginning, it had a definition, but now, it was something mutated and ugly. A beast that had to be eradicated.

Hybrid snarled as Lucifer began to struggle, following the other as he fell to the ground. He pushed himself closer, digging his claws into the ground as Lucifer struck at him with one of his paws and snapped at the other's belly. He attacked, once again trying to tear at the tender flesh of the other's stomach with his teeth. He would not accept that he had feelings for Lucifer. Fuck, Lucifer could feel whatever he wanted, but that was not the problem. It was what Hybrid felt that made this so very wrong. For that, Lucifer would pay.

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