ignorance is your new best friend
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Savina smoothed her fur as he relaxed back onto the couch, giving her sibling a sidelong glance. "Suppongo così, preferirei non morire dalla mancanza di ossigeno. L'ho scommesso avrebbe un tempo divertente spiegando quella sfortuna a sue nipoti e suo nipote." He may have won the tickle battle, but she could play the word game just as well as any other. Of course no part of her believed that Ehno would actually tickled her until she died, but it was a good way to get back at him for the ruthless offensive. The woman couldn't help but let an evil little smirk mold her features at his feigned hurt expression. "Non sarebbero così doloroso se lei non era così crudele," she said, batting her eyes innocently. To her, at the moment, this seemed like any other encounter with her beloved brother. The way she was able to calm his nerves for the moment made her oblivious that something was bothering him. Little did she know how soon reality would come crashing down upon her head once again.

Her words about his wanderings had been mostly in jest, but when she felt him tense her heart faltered in its rhythm. No...he couldn't possibly be wanting to leave again, could he? He wouldn't do that to her, not again. Not when Ghita had just returned and the newest generation of their family was still so young. Stubbornly she shook the thoughts from her head, not allowing herself to believe that even a whisper of them could be true. He eyes turned to look upon his face though, and she saw his expression more serious than it had been moments before. Try as she might to keep her pulse normal it began to quicken with apprehension. She did not like where this seemed to be going. He said he had a lot on his mind, though that didn't seem particularly alarming. She did as well, of course. There was something hiding in those seemingly innocuous words however.

At first the Commander didn't quite understand what she was hearing. What was he saying? "Zia Savina?" The puzzlement stayed on her face for another millisecond before realization dawned on her and her eyes grew wide. Ehno was going to be a father? The Italian's mind raced. When had this happened? With whom? It certainly wasn't anyone in the pack. Why hadn't he told her he was seeing someone? She assumed it must be serious for surely her brother wouldn't have done this unintentionally. A smile grew back on her face and she shoved his arm with both her hands. "Come osarla la tiene un segreto da me, lei lo sciagurato!" For all the scolding, the words were said with joy. "Le congratulazioni," she said as she leaned to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Così, chi l'è?" Savina asked, her words laced with some annoyance. She was miffed that he had a sweetheart that she had been oblivious to. She hadn't kept Kansas a secret from him.


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