Here I am
Yeah, that's fine :] Word Count: 312



Hanna chuckled, but the wry smile on Mew's lips disappeared, and she stared blankly into the face of her relative. Not offended - she didn't react to the chuckle at all. Mew simply was at a loss, shaken in so many ways from the reality she knew. Her mind could not digest her situation, and her emotions were raw and blunt, numbing the rest of her. Her green eyes were not vacant, but still emotionless in a strange way. When her aunt's voice spoke, Mew nodded. Yes, it was all true. She was expecting, and she had come here for another reason. But her face did not change. There was a pause in sound between them, and when it was broken Mew felt her eyelashes quiver, her lower lip muscles displaying a life of their own. Cover claimed her emerald orbs and she closed her eyes, collecting herself a moment. It seemed to her that every word uttered regarding the case was proof that it existed, and Mew would rather it had not. Had she not been able to carry children, Lubomir would still be with her, and she would not worry for her life on her own.


Light reached her as she opened her eyes again, only moments after closing them. But, the pause had proved worth her time, and her voice was steady, if quiet, as she responded to her aunt's question. She had already answered it herself, though, so she simply added information. She would understand; her aunt was a smart woman, which was part of why Mew sat exactly here in AniWaya today. "I would not worry had it not been for the pains." She paused and her eyes glanced at the ground again as she looked for the right words. When they rose again, they had another dose of recovered despair. "It is different this time, Hanna."


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