you want the sin without the sinner.

     The thing about wandering around with a horse companion was that it allowed for very little stealth. It was useful for distance traveling, however, and that was the task that needed to be accomplished on this warm day. Atop Street Song, everything was more beautiful. He felt like God himself, looking down upon the world and all that it entailed. Still, he rarely chose to hold conversation while atop his mare, for it was a bit intimidating, if not downright rude to look down upon one when you are talking to them.

     It was for this reason that Grimsley quickly dismounted his horse when the female responded to his greeting and he offered her a toothy grin. Though she was quite a sorry sight for the eyes, Grims found himself intrigued by her marred features. Certainly they defined her, and though he knew it rude to ask of their origin, he couldn't help his eyes from tracing them up and down her worn body, lingering a bit too long on the empty eye socket.

     When she commented on Song, he patted the horse and nodded, "Thank you. I call her Street Song," he offered, the horse throwing her head back at the mention of her name. "What brings you to this place today?" he wondered allowed, not quite sure what his own answer would be should she throw the question back his way.


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