Times Square can't shine as bright as you

indent It was Rachias who came next, slipping in and coming to his side. She was here more and more, now, and Gabriel was glad. They had to keep the old blood around—he was waiting, ever so patiently, for the day his siblings became old enough to be considered adults. Then, he would test them, and train them, and make sure they had enough salt to stay true to the clan. The manic gleam in his eyes was always there, but the intensity of that light varied.
indent Fatin came in next, and Gabriel remained still, watching her work. While he trusted her, the instinct to protect his family was viciously strong. Only when Faolin spoke did he shift his weight, smiling and wagging his tail. “Talitha Lykoi,” he said, watching the small girl squirm and find her way to the precious life-force that Faolin could offer them. Two names from his faith, a prophet and a girl brought back from the dead. After a moment of watching the two children, he looked up to Fatin, speaking again. “You’ve always been here for my family,” he began. “I want you to be there for them as well…” He trailed off, unwilling to state the obvious: If the worst should happen. “Would you be their godmother?”


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