you want the sin without the sinner.
       The horse really was a magnificent animal. Kaena had always been impressed by them—though they were scarcer in number than other wild herds, there were some places where they flourished, especially in the south and midwestern States, where they had been prevalant still as modes of transportation as well as work animals. There were some places in human life where machinery still had not taken complete hold, and farm animals were rather commonplace before the apocalypse hit. Even now, it was not so rare to see domesticated animals running wild, though many of them perished in the early times and had difficulty readapting to feral life. Now, most of those problems were finished, as any creatures which had existed to live beneath human care were surely long dead, excepting perhaps the most longest-lived of the animals, birds and parrots which remembered their masters' faces and the words they had spoken.

       Swishing her tail slowly behind her, the woman watched as the hybrid man deftly leapt to the ground from his perch. She had not considered it particularly rude, but she appreciated the gesture anyway, offering him a brief smile. "No doubt she's a good companion," the coyote said, watching the hybrid man as he studied her. She was rather fearsome in appearance, but there was no reason to provoke this loner here or cause trouble for herself. "Kaena Lykoi," she added, introducing herself with the surname as she usually did when outside of Inferni lands. She was quite proud of her own identity at times, and though she was relatively certain this passer-by would not have heard of her, still—it was good to throw her whole name out there.

       "Just wandering, I suppose," she said. The hybrid woman had been here long enough to now have a good grasp on which territories were where, and she knew all of the wolf packs by name and scent. This loner held no banner of a pack, he did not even vaguely smell of one of them. "My clan, Inferni, lives a bit further south from here, and since there are no wolf packs in this area, it is safer up this way than in the heart of the territory to wander alone," the silvery woman added. She had plenty of reason to fear some of the canines further south of here—Haku Soul most of all. No doubt he would be angry that a woman had bested him, no doubt he would be mad as hell he'd almost perished. She was beginning to doubt she'd killed him, his scent was so remarkably unmistakable in her nose now that she'd tasted his blood.

Thanks to Akumu for the table!

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