Calling on Blue Skies

She didn’t know of a world where wolves fought anyone other than themselves, and that of course included the yotes. The woman hunted, killed and feasted with the most wicked. But there was something about killing those that had not been meant for their consumption that made her stomach knot and twist, and the ties she shared with the plants and trees in the world that showed her peace loving side. Anu would rather die then see a healthy tree be slaughtered at the blade of an ax. It would kill her soul to see such an ancient being fall, even if the earth itself look its strength by lightning or wind, Anu felt the loss. Fish, she did not care for. He heart sang more to the worms they baited them with.

Anu could not see herself sharing the pain and pressure that Naniko’s expulsion brought to her, it was not that sort of day. Perhaps if it had been raining, dreary, then a gloomy topic might have been appropriate, but the day was full of Sun. So much so that Anu felt its raze bounce off the lake’s surface and warm her face two fold. Blue eyes looked at Jaz, and knew what the smile on his face meant. Anu relaxed at the topic, happy that he had something exciting to share and there would be no focus on her dramatics.
“Really?” Anu asked, slyly and almost as if she wished to tease him.
“What is her name?” Anu asked, again. She hoped to know that female that he spoke of, but it sounded like she was new, or not of the pack.
“Tell me about her.” Anu asked eagerly, her fishing pole still held lightly in her hand as she began to forget about the task that took them to the center of lake.



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