Hold onto chance
i thought i sent it sorry i fail T-T'

Blinking seemed like it took so much longer then it had before, hiding her bi-colored eyes behind the darkness of her lids. The darkness was oddly nice as her still body burned from her wounds with each sad breath, inside the darkness everything was cooler and slowly becoming cold against the burning of the blood that was dripping from her broken body. Letting a slow and very weak sigh the tan female lay still aside from breathing as her lids slowly rose to show her dull eyes, the brightness of the bi-colored eyes had faded to a lower shade as weakness gripped her. Faler was no fool to death, she did after all kill her family. Not all of them..just her father and brother.

A small whine fought it's way past her teeth, the burning and freezing was making her stomach turn under her crimson stained coat. Looking forward her eyes still worked which made her almost want to laugh, all the edges were blurry and dark while everything else seemed slightly unfocused. Her ears reacted first making herself go in the defense, turning her head an neck the most she could her lips pulled back while a rough snarled ripped from her throat. The scent took longer, a faint trail of blood flowed from her nose before falling over her lips, blood was all she could smell until that familiar scent pulled it's way through. ..um Jefferson.. Relaxing her head lowered back down with a small whine. He wasn't someone she expected to see, anyone."my throat's fine.." Her voice was rough and messy from the blood in unseen placed, though the gashes through her ribs made sounds as air passed inside. Luckily her lung wasn't broken into. "Some..Some asshole. Maybe i'm just seeing things...my luck isn't that great for a rescue. " pausing Faler took a breath before coughing.


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