So why don't you sing to me

He held her hand, and then the moment she needed him he was beside her on the small staircase and helped her onto the stallion. The silver horses ears swiveled and watched the action that went on beside him, and yet he stood still as a statue. Heath wondered if he knew how important it was for him to keep so statuesque. If he hadn’t Heath was unsure what he would have done, but the worry was not needed. He had chosen well with the solid horse, dense, as he seemed to be at times, when Heath called upon him he was there and ready to obey. Gold eyes looked at the woman, and he did not let go of her until he was sure that she was not going to fall. “I can tell, you’re a natural” he spoke as he watched her. She sat a horse well, and he was sure she didn’t even know it. Heath quickly placed the leather reins on the back of Stark's neck and then mounted the horse. He used the steps as well, for his height would not allow for a smooth transition onto the stallion.

He sat behind her, and he should have prepared himself for the closeness that seating two upon one horse would bring. There was no place to be other then close. And the male took a moment, and the let his body mold to her smaller form. “Ready?”. He asked as if that would ease the tension that was felt between them. Taking the reins in his hand Heath urged Stark on, slowly, with the heel of his foot paw. The tall horse moved with the same speed he had as Heath led him from the stall. The two moved slightly with the change of motionless to movement, and Heath instantly placed an arm around her to steady them. A few paces and they were in the rhythm, Heath’s core tight, strait and a steady wall for her to lean against. Stark only walked, slowly out of the stables and into the day’s light.

“Where would you like to go?” He wanted her to choose, wanted her to lead the way as he followed. If she said anywhere he would take her. If she said home, he would take her, slowly. Either way a smile could not be erased from his scared face



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