what blind eyes see

Firefly couldn't help but smile as Ruri began to speak excitedly at Firefly's admittance that it was indeed her. Her ears perked forwards as she chuckled and sighed. "You could have done us all a favor and been there to talk me out of leaving in the first place you know." Even though her words might have sounded mean there was warmth in the wolf's voice as she spoke them. Her eyes twinkled as she asked, "What's changed while I've been gone?" She figured she needed to figure out sooner or later what she'd been missing thatway anything important wouldn't come as a shock later on down the line.

Firefly had been watching a butterfly lazily wander by as Ruri called her name again. Turning away from the butterfly and focusing on her friend she tilted her head to the side as she began to listen to her words, curiosity getting the best of her as Ruri rambled on about her request. Firefly just smiled at the request and laughed. "Sure Ruri, we can find you some clothes. I doubt that Jac would even know where to look.." She teased, assuming that Jac would have been next in line for the asking. Firefly stood up and brushed her tail along Ruri's shoulder as she waited for her friend to get going. "Better now than never, right?" She turned her face towards the large city that resided in their lands, knowing that they could find something for Ruri there atleast. She was quiet a moment before she went on. "You know.. we probably need to get you some firewood started for your cabin too.." She knew well enough that Ruri wouldn't be able to haul the wood herself and Firefly figured she could ask Leroy since he liked working with wood anyways. She was sure they'd find enough for the young blind girl.

When Ruri finally asked how Firefly was doing the golden woman was quiet for once, not answering the youth for a long while as she truly tried to figure out how she was doing. She finally just gave up and admitted. "I don't know..There's a lot I try and put behind me that I just can't anymore." She wished that she'd never even attempted to leave the pack.. she wished she could see her two boys but they were locked within the pack she'd been thrown from. There was a lot that Firefly just wished she could change and yet knew there was nothing she could do. She wondered if there was more to the pack's feeling than she knew, if she could fix her wrongs or if they were set in stone now. The normally cold-hearted woman had found herself in a bind now and didn't know what to do this time.

Instead of rambling on though she changed the conversation to one she knew that they could laugh about and roll their eyes, even if for the most part it was all a play on Firefly's behalf. "So.. has the King been chasing the ladies from one end of the lands to the other or has something new caught his fancy lately?" She really doubted that Jac had missed her at all and she wasn't ready to admit she might harbor any feeling for the joker of a king that lead them all. Still she turned her eyes towards Ruri in wait.


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