At the bottom of the big blue sea...

The shell looked a lot bigger when Amata was holding it than when it was still in the sand with its edges covered. Gotham stared at it as the girl held it up, grinning. Yes, Dadda could put it on nice string and Amata could wear it around her neck just like Mamma! The boy watched the shell fall to the ground as it escaped the little girl's grasp, feeling a little concerned about it for just a moment. He was quite pleased to see that no harm came to it as it hit the nice soft sand. Gotham found himself agreeing with his sister as she suggested she should wait a while, until she was bigger, to wear it around her neck. If she had a big heavy thing around her neck she wouldn't be able to play as well! That, naturally, was the raven boy's number one concern.

He had, just for a moment, forgotten about the big pile of driftwood he had been careening towards just a minute before. Eyebrows leaping upwards, he turned and hopped off towards the wood, eyeing Mati as he pranced past her. "I dunno," he said in response to her question, "Maybe there's treasures!" His voice grew high pitched with excitement, and as he got close to the salt saturated wood he stuck his nose into a little nook created by the pile. It smelled kind of funny! And there was weird slimy green stuff! Giggling, he wagged his tail and stuck his head in another nook. Finding nothing of interest in there, he hopped onto the top of the pile and exclaimed as if to the entire beach, "I em tha Cool Prince!" He had, ever since Amata had mentioned it, become rather fond of his new title.

With a little self conscious giggle he hopped off the stack of driftwood and proceeded to stick his nose in other little holes, hoping to find just a bit of treasure in his entire kingdom. [html]

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