seconds from the aftermath, happiness from beyond
So sorry for the delay! D:


The two wolves seemed to have a connection that breached each of their souls, as if the same blood flowed through them. In another world, Anu would be his sister, someone that knew how he worked, even if she did not understand his inner workings. Though, sometimes he felt as if anyone could understand what was going on in his head. He felt, occasionally, as if his actions and thoughts were transparent, as if the only thing protecting his own ideas from the rest of the world was a thin film of water. Hemming was a simple wolf, one that delighted in the beauty of the world and its little wonders, and perhaps he was almost childlike in a way. The world never got old, despite its four billion years, and neither did he.


Hemming chuckled a little, the breath still moving in and out of his chest quickly. He stared at the bright sky, squinting, as Anu sat down beside him. The wolf was tempted to get up and start running again - the female had said she liked chasing him, after all - but he was fascinated by the way the clouds moved, by the way their forms shifted from one discernable shape to another. It was all his mind playing tricks on him, he knew, finding the lines of another creature or object within the gossamer edges of a completely physical phenomenon, but he enjoyed it anyway. As the clouds drifted, his eyes did too.


When the alabaster wolf spoke again, Hemming finally pulled himself up so he was sitting, his feet still extended out to the water. The salty waves tickled the soles of his feet, and the gray male felt as if he was filled with helium and would float away, the joy of the day so buoyant. With a grin, he turned his own gaze down the beach, his golden eyes moving from rock to shell to rock to sea, already searching for little wonders. "Treasures beyond compare, I'm sure," he said with a broad smile, his eyes meeting Anu's sky blue ones. They were a gateway, he thought briefly, through her head and into the ether.


After a moment, his eyes lit up and he said, "Oh! I forgot, there was something I wanted to show you." With a little laugh that could fairly be called a giggle, he pushed himself onto his feet and skipped out towards the little sandy peninsula that was starting to be revealed as the tide moved out. "Come on!" he beckoned, looking back for just a moment.


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