The Path Becomes as the Tongue of a Snake
I really love your table, ^=^

With the tattooed male’s greeting, the pups were silent. Because they had been addressed, the twins lifted their heads and gazes so that they looked up at the stranger they now knew to be ‘Anselm’. And they watched him that the same, peculiar curiosity of their mother. But his attention quickly returned to their mother, and so their gaze turned to her then. "Thank you," the soft alto offered at length, unsure of how to respond to such a compliment. It was at such times that her social ineptitudes could be known. In actuality, the woad warrior knew very little of raising children. She did her best to compensate for that lacking skill, and, although she knew that her methods must surely not be as those of other, more suited mothers, the pups seemed to grow and develop without large discrepancies. Their intensity and their silence did not seem unusual to her.

A run, he claimed, and yet so dangerously close to Dahlian borders. "You should be careful when lingering so close to our borders." She did not doubt that some wolves would not take as kindly to the Inferni hybrid’s proximity to the packlands. The warrior herself was wary of such a thing. Indeed, she had enjoyed his company, and she did not think that he would needlessly cause trouble. But that had been but a single encounter, and a single encounter, while, as all impressions, was a significant event, it was not enough to determine all things. And so she offered him the warning in good nature for his benefit but also as a warning given directly by her self. She was a protector of the lands too both as Adonis and a Warrior. She could easily separate the lines of her duty and a personal life for she understood that an enemy could be a friend and that a friend could be an enemy. The world was filled with dichotomies.

A soft, golden smile danced upon her maw. It almost appeared mirthful, although why the mirth was present was unknown. Perhaps it was merely that the song of the world sang warmly with the golden light of day. "I am going for a hunt," the soft voice replied, "and they have come for practice." The twins had thus far made their practice upon the larger insects of the woods. She had watched them, interjecting only when she had advice to offer. She showed them how to wait, how to be patient, and she showed them the importance of speed and precision. Both pups had taken well to such activities, and, rather than simple play, every wrestle, every pursued insect, was training. They seemed to enjoy it, the mother noted, and she encouraged them. She did admit a satisfaction in the knowing that her young followed upon the warrior’s path upon which both she and Onus tread. "I didn’t mean to interrupt your run," the soft alto continued, speaking with that polite, almost elegant formality. She herself knew of the importance of training, and it was not her intention to interrupt such a process.


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