Wanted:"Lost" pup
The pup continued to stare in bewilderment for awhile longer. Wow, he was huge... But when the confirmation came she was quick to rub up against her assumed father. Tail wagged in excitement of finally having found the missing link in her life. Though the rest of her confirmation had her laughing, that melodic laugh her mother was said to have possessed but hardly anyone ever heard it. "It's okay, you didn't know where to find us." Or that was how she had heard it at least. Had heard that her Mom had fled because it had been too soon.

"Helios is going to be so excited to see you. Mom is really really sick but Maestery has been watching over her." The girl rambled on and on, fully expecting Lucifer to return with her to Taceli in order to see her Mom and magically make everything better. But then that had been her plan sicne she had started out to find her Dad. "Where have you been? I've been askign around but no one knew where to find you." Question was asked as she finally calmed down and backed off some in order to see his face.

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