dancing my heart away
No, I'm just unsure of the colors because of the laptop screen. Everytime I move the screen the colors look vastly different. >< But thanks though! Big Grin

Taika held herself in place as the other wolf gave her questions, inquiring both practical and deep theoretical of the girl as she stood her ground. She kept her submission in place, eyes averted from the ranked wolf as she pondered how to reply. In all honesty, her question was valid. Why did Taika specifically pick this pack. She could lie, and flatter, saying that the pack was rumored to be the greatest of these lands, and she came here to seek acceptance in the most elite and humbling pack out there. But not only did that not appeal to her morally, she doubted seriously if she could pull it off. Giving a little bit of a sigh she gave a little bit of a shuffle with her feet and replied softly. "Honestly, I don't know why I chose this pack in particular. It was more like... I was guided here." She grimaced at herself, hoping that she could bite those words back. Guided here? Really? Glancing to the side she inhaled, realizing she was in this deep.

"Because of this, because of the way my feet seemed to take me here. To this spot. I can't ignore it. It's like a sign." Another hesitation, a breath, and a quiver of her youthful body sent her onto the next. "I know I am naive, and overall inexperienced but my loyalty does not come from jest and hot air. I sincerely believe that I could be a valuable aspect to your pack." Blue eyes reflected her situation, the dire circumstances that she came to the borders of Dahlia de Mai, and how she humbly and embarrassingly came to this scene. And yet it didn't seem to matter, because there had to be a good reason why she was here. There had to be a sign behind her miles and miles of journey. "I know it is Dahlia de Mai that I swear my loyalty."

Turning to the female afore her, she slightly wondered how she came to Dahlia de Mai. Was she a loner like herself that came to the pack? Or was she born apart of it. And come to think of it - what was her name? Piercing blue eyes widened as she realized she had never really introduced herself. A mental head slap was in order and Taika took it liberally. How absolutely shameful it was for her to barge in, her identity still unknown to this new world, and hope that they would accept her. "I..." She started, then faltered once more. "I'm sorry. I realize I haven't even properly introduced myself yet. My name is Taika."

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