waylay the din of the day
“Probably not, but I doubt we'll live long enough to really know,” Corona said with a shrug, her eyes leaving the grey-haired wolf and eyeing the concrete at her feet. “Some of the things that they did were decent, but I'd imagine they were too materialistic for their own good. Ever wanting power and riches. I think that's probably the downfall to anything though.” Supposedly life had a certain harmony that it lived by, she had once been told by a budding French anthropologist. Though that woman had been near the end of her life, she may as well have been one of the oldest around. What she had said made sense, and Corona was easily able to deduce that already they were following down the footsteps of man.

Perhaps continental wars would one day plague them too. “This place breeds madness. Everyone here has their own problems that they cannot deal with or control. Humans had places for their own kind that were like that. Institutions where they could be monitored and studied. This place in itself is an institution in some manner of speaking. You felt drawn back to it too, didn't you?” It seemed to be the only reason why anyone came back. To Corona, it only felt normal. To feel that the mundane was normal to her meant that she was detached from what lines were abnormal and normal. They should have been rebuilding and accepting their differences, but things were forever still in disrepair. They had yet to hardly make use of the forms they were capable of.

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