You give it all but I want more
<3! 300+

The D’Angelo lady argued against his pleas once more. Frustration hit Ehno suddenly and without remorse. She was being stubborn. Her stubborn pride was clouding her judgment, making her irrational. He needed to argue back, to make her see that she was wrong about this. The simple thought of being separated from Nani and the pups set alarm bells of dread off in his mind. He couldn't let that happen, he had to persuade her somehow, any way he could. “Th-they’ll have to deal with it. Learn to understand and trust you again, like they used to. Our pups will be treated—” He stopped mid-sentence, a switch flipping in his mind and flooding his thoughts with a sudden, bright realization. He wasn’t listening to her at all. What the hell was he doing?

Ehno hung his head, averted his gaze. He was being selfish. If Naniko returned, everything would be fine again—things would be fine again for him. He couldn’t see past the haze of sudden excitement and worry and frustration to see how she truly felt about it. Imagine if he was in her position. He most certainly wouldn’t want to go back to a pack where the leaders mistrusted him. This was asking too much of the woman. He wouldn’t force her into something she was uncomfortable with. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to sound so demanding.” He shook his head, sheepishly raising his gaze toward her once more. “If you’re uncomfortable coming back to Crimson Dreams, that’s fine. I understand.” That didn’t mean he liked it. He hesitated with that thought before continuing. “But if you aren’t going to come back… where will you go?” Ehno didn’t want her to remain in the city to raise their pups, and he knew she wouldn’t want that either. The numerous other packs in the area were always options for a safe haven. The question was, which would she choose?

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