the space between us all

Hemming did not really think that much about the others around him. He had a general impression of them all, what they liked and their general air, but he never considered how they worked. Oddness, perhaps because he was rather odd, was a map that had no scale, and he had no means nor intention to actually consider someone strange. Wolves were as they were, and any variation was just that: variation. Every conceivable personality quirk, unless it was something gruesome or cruel, was just considered the way it was. It was out of simpleness that Hemming did this, the fact that he had grown up without a true gauge of someone's oddity. The characters in books had been his companions, and they spanned all types of weirdness, the plane of difference so vast that Hemming didn't know where he - or anyone else - stood.

While he lived alone he had learned a bit about medicine, or at least had developed something of a first aid kit for himself, just out of necessity. He found the history of human medicine quite intriguing, and perhaps that was the reason he learned any of it at all, though that was hardly useful now. The wolf winced a little as flashes of the gruesome tools the humans had used before they had the capacity to develop more humane tools passed through his mind. Letting go as soon as she cried out, he continued to stare. "I've heard you can put a potato on it," he said, really out of lack of any other useful suggestions. It was true, a potato was a good thing to have around.

james made this! ♥

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