the space between us all

"A potato." She repeated, her tone dark. Where the hell was she supposed to get a potato in a time like this?! The burn hurt, making her whole entire hand throb. She got up, running back over to the tide pools, and stuck it into the water there. It wasn't instant relief, but she soon felt something in the water beginning to work on it a little bit. It burned in a new, different way, but she tried to ignore the feeling. The main burning sensation was beginning to go away.

Something brushed her hand and her eyes widened, looking down into the pool. Holy cow! That had to be the biggest crab she'd ever seen. She didn't let it grab her, putting her non-burnt hand in and wrapping it around his big claw. Haha! Oh, this was great. It did creep her out a little bit to be touching a crab that was as big as her hand was, but she wanted to show it to Hemming. Burn now forgotten, she pulled the crab up out of the water by its claw. "hey! Look what I found!!"

She waved it around in the air a little bit, the crab's small legs moving around. She wiggled the crab to-and-fro in the air, but wiggled it a bit too hard; the whole entire leg snapped off, leaving her holding one big claw. The crab, stunned, lay on the ground on its back. "Uh...oopsies. We should put it in the fire, don't you think? As a second course?" She picked it back up, bringing it over to him.


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