the space between us all

She was glad that he'd pulled the other stuff out of the fire; the girl was a little ADHD, herself, and easily forgot about things, even things that she'd just been doing or had just been involved in. She came back to the fire and sat down by him again. She felt oddly comfortable around him; usually adults made her nervous and she didn't care much for them. Pups, either. She was good with wolves around her own age...but pups freaked her out and adults usually made her feel stupid.

She took the stick from him. "Thanks. For pulling the stuff out of the fire. I'm kind of absent-minded...I forget stuff a lot." In he next moment she was looking at the crab. Her bangs fell into her face and she put them behind one ear, focusing on the shelled creature. "Die, crab!" She shoved the stick through it, then held it in the fire.


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