strike two.
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@&#&$The female peered up into the treetops and he found his gaze lifting skyward in turn. He wasn't sure what he expected to see--perhaps a flighty songbird or skittish squirrel at best, but alas, there was only the vegetation waving back at him on a gentle breeze. His blood-red eyes focused on her face briefly again in question, though he only studied the tip of her snout, and then her chest when he decided he could not figure it out.

@&#&$Anselm knew there was more to life than what met the obvious senses--sight, taste, scent, touch, and sound--there was that indescribable tingling you got when someone gave you a bad vibe, there was the fact you could touch your own paw to your nose with your eyes closed and not miss. He could accept and manipulate these sensations, for though they were (strictly speaking) intangible, they still had concrete manifestations in the physical world. He would never be able to experience things like she did... heck, if anyone tried to explain their system to him in detail, he'd assume there was something foul in their water supply and they were all hallucinating. He'd never seen (or felt) concrete proof of an afterlife, ghosts, or god; he was too analytical, too scientific, and even if such things did exist on some alternate plane they did not affect him here, so there was no sense in worrying about it.

@&#&$Taking a brief moment to mull over her question, he rose to his feet and peered left, then right, then up--then he turned in a circle and glanced at the land behind them before returning to his original position. "Which way is northeast?" he wondered simply, head inclined slightly to one side. His sense of direction was better than that, though the thick canopy overhead prevented him from using the sun as a navigational assistant and he figured it was a valid question she would surely know the answer to. It also made it somewhat obvious, he hoped, that he didn't intend to linger there for very long.

@&#&$The words she said next caused his expression to visibly drop and he lowered his head again, glaring to the left before looking back at her somewhat forlornly. "Yea.... my bad. But, do you know... who did it?" Somebody help him; he hoped to high Hell it was nobody from Inferni. Even they should know better than to attack a leader. As much as he would have liked to trust his clan-mates, sometimes he just couldn't help but assume the worst.

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