the space between us all

He smiled at her gratitude, but shrugged it off. "Your hand was on fire. You tend to forget some other things when that happens." The wolf chuckled a little. Her hand hadn't quite been on fire, but it was at least a fairly accurate description. It had the same effect, at least. Too bad they didn't have a potato, as that would have helped. Potatoes were tasty, too, and they could have cooked it up after and eaten it.

Hemming inhaled deeply, smelling the clam and the cooking giant crab. Remembering that he had placed one of the finished crabs beside him, he picked it up and put it beside the girl. It was a little hot, too, if one was to hold it for too long. After easing the second one off the stick, he cracked it's upper shell, releasing steam with a little sizzle.

With a grin, he looked to the girl and said, "Bon apetite!" Pulling some of the crab's flesh out carefully, using his nails so he didn't burn his fingertips, he popped some it his mouth. He was quiet for a moment as he savoured it. It had been a long time since he had eaten anything so delicious!

james made this! ♥

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