you want the sin without the sinner.
sorry for the wait, my good friend's father passed away unexpectedly and i had to be there with her the past few days :/

     Now free from his horse's back, Grimsley was able to better inspect his new companion. She was older than he by a good few years, though he could respect her all the more for that, after all with age came wisdom. Naturally he was wary of her, for she seemed to have been quite a violent youth and there was no telling whether such tendencies were still existent. However, Grims couldn't help but feel slightly at ease around her and smiled at her words.

     "Indeed," he commented, brushing Song's mane absent-mindedly with his thick fingers. As she introduced herself he nodded briefly, slightly embarrassed that he had introduced his horse and had failed to introduce himself. "Kaena Lykoi," he said, testing the name out on his tongue. It was a powerful sounding name and he liked it immediately. "It is a pleasure to meet you, I'm Grimsley." Grims had no last name to speak of, but he felt as if his name fit him well enough not to call for any extension of family ties, should a surname of any value even exist.

     As Kaena opened up to speak of a clan known as Inferni, Grimsley's ears perked up. He had never been one to be tied down to a certain place, but it was always good to know where certain packs made their home, as not to tread to close to the wrong territories. "I see," he said first, taking in the large piece of information he had just received. "You lead this clan?" he asked, noticing the way she had spoke of it as her clan, though perhaps he was reading too much into her words. "Is it not safe, then, for those like you and I to be too near the wolves of this area?" Grimsley was aware of certain rivalries among the wolves and coyotes and in some places it was worse than others. Grims himself was a hybrid, but sometimes they were less welcome then their pure counterparts.


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