seconds from the aftermath, happiness from beyond

He did not know her.

Hemming didn’t know her at all. He didn’t know she was a leader of her pack, that she was the second to only their Commander. He didn’t know that she was in love, falling for another female, as was her nature. He didn’t know that she yearned for a child’s love and feared she would never know the bond of those she bore herself. He didn’t know that her past mate was now exiled, and that her world was teetering on the verge of turmoil. Her favorite color was green, she claimed four almost-yearlings as her own young, and at one time had two brothers. He didn’t know any of that, and so much more. But she felt like he was one of the few that knew her, truly. All the things he did know, they spanned beyond the details that were so truly useless when she was beside him. He understood her, the smile that she could not loose, the dance to the tune in her own head and the way the world slipped away, happily forgotten. At times she felt he knew her better then anyone else.

Blue eyes followed his gaze, the sky playing with the cotton that made it’s clouds. Anu laughed softly at his lack of concentration, but found that her eyes were drawn to their movements and shapes. Treasures, mysteries. Anu was ready to find them, and maybe a little something for another. The stalks of lavender had not reached the nose of the Dahlia wolfess, but perhaps she could find something for her here… Thoughts disappeared, as they rightfully should while Hemming spoke. Something? “Wait up!” Anu took to her feet, and closed the distance that his frolic had created. Paws moved quickly, and Anu followed the line the tide had made. Her curiosity whipped clean any other thoughts, and she wondered what Hemming had in store for her. All the things they found, explored were more amazing then anything she had ever seen with another. At the prospect of adventure, her tail began to wave behind her.



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