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Maybe his inquiry was purely that and nothing more. Corona felt some ease in thinking that, but instead was surprised of what he had already picked up on. More importantly, hearing a name or two that she had heard before also made plenty of sense too. Her attention to the younger Lykoi diverted quickly for the tall wolf. “Phasma Kiles… that name rings a bell. I think she used to be a leader of another pack around here.” Letting her gaze fall in thought to the drawbridge at their feet, Corona mulled over where she had heard of Faolin's name before too. She had been somewhat familiar with the leaders that were in charge of Inferni when she had been there, but her mother had eventually taken over the clan again. She had no idea what had become of the others. Probably dead, for all she knew. “I guess things have really changed here,” she commented, looking back to tattooed man, “how long have you been around these parts?”

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