teach them all how they can dance

no worries! my delay now x.x a little pp, lemme know if you want it changed :3

Gotham joined her in the cave and stood by while she shook her fur out. As soon as she was done though, he shook his fur. At first she had taken it to be an accident, but this second time coupled with his grin made her realize that he was being arnaree (or whatever that word was). When she was sprinkled with the water from his coat she looked back at him, stamping her foot on the cave floor. "Gothawm!" she cried. There was no hint of anger in her voice or face though. Instead a mischievous light glinted in her eyes. Cambria stood still for a moment or two and then she leaped forward, wrapping one foreleg around the back of his neck and her mouth grabbing his closest ear. The girl wasn't always up for roughhousing, but every now and then, with the right inspiration the urge would strike her. Now was one of those times and for now the exploration of the cave was forgotten. She had to get back at her brother!

Playful little growls came from her throat and she tried to wrap her other leg around the front of his neck. Her back legs moved backwards, trying to change her weight and pull her brother over. Of course Gotham was sturdier and stronger than she was, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. The excitement and confidence boost had given her a good deal of energy that was now focused onto wrestling her brother. Teeth tugged on his ear, though she was careful not to bite down hard. She didn't want to hurt him! She could never want to hurt anyone, especially not Gotham!


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