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Lucifer laughed, he didn't mean to, but the male's face was quick to twist up in pain. Yes it was beyond clear that this was the male's first time at drinking any thing this heavy. Pulling a paw up to his mute he coughed, trying to muffle out the laugh. With a sigh the male slicked back his hair, pulling it up into a sloppy pony tail, with a leather tie. He gave a nod, as he open a twin to the bottle, sniffing it. It wasn't as strong, but never the less. Lucifer opened up his mouth pouring some down, as he also twisted his face. Pain, but it was more then welcomed. Lucifer put the bottle down upon the bar, looking to the blond male. "Whiskey, man use to make it with corn."

Lucifer smacked his lips as he took another drink from the bottle, as he then leaned down over top of the bar, looking to the male, he wanted to see how much the male could hold down."You feelin' brave enough for a old fashion drinking game?"

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