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WC: 300+

He was not surprised to find the white males face overflowing with pure shock that Jazper had approached him. It would have shocked himself too if he hadn't been in such a melancholy mood. He just didn't feel like taking the effort to avoid someone who really didn't deserve to be avoided. Sure, Kansas had a better life then him by far but how did that make him different then Savina? She had everything the white male had and yet he was completely dedicated and loyal to his leader. Perhaps it was the idea that another male had something he wanted, plain jealousy, or perhaps it was much more such as Jazper's disliking towards any other male that had everything he rightfully deserved as the eldest and only son of an alpha and as a wolf who took on many alpha qualities. He was stronger and bigger then Kansas, he had more experiences with the bad times, he could read and write, was musically and athletically talented. He should be the one with the family.

Today was different though, his energy was mellow and he just wanted to go with the flow of things, maybe get last night out of his head. She was so perfect, so bloody perfect it hurt. She probably hated him for letting them both drink to much, for letting it go to far. It was his fault, if only he hadn't taken out that drink to calm his nerves. Kansas' words brought him back to the hall, the eerie silence of the manor. His ears perked at the mention of music and the machine that the other male held. His interest automatically switched to the present as the device was explained to him and then the contraption the white male had over his ears was passed into his own ebony hands. He stared at it for a moment then awkwardly placed the headphones over his ears feeling rather silly. A smile burst onto his lips as he pictured himself in the headdress. Kansas' hesitation lost on his own growing excitement.


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