Walking that familiar ground

Here ya go! Sorry for the delay.
Word Count: 320. Worth 2 points.

As Slay had not detected her, neither had Hanna noticed him. She stared up at the Virgin, the fog making her all the more ethereal. The woman studied the statue, pondering her outstretched hands and benevolent face, her dress and robe seeming to flow despite being made of granite. Her eyes then fell to the mist-obscured ground, and subequently to a small heart-shaped stone with four names on it. Hanna knelt in front of the stone slowly.

Even though she hadn't been informed of their location or their first names, the surnames left little doubt as to what lay near the stone, under blooms and grass. She had stumbled across a grave she had often wondered about, that of Mew's stillborn litter. Four little lives that had been snuffed out before they could begin by the violent actions of one being against their mother.

Her fingers moved gently across the names engraved into the rock. Meleos Sadira, Thela Soul, Cuont Sadira, and Rahlie Sadira. Her palm smoothed across the stone, then retreated to her lap. Her head remained bowed, a pair of tears falling for her niece's loss. Hanna hoped she never had to endure that loss, and yet it was possible, and became more possible the older she got. She could not start worrying about it now, though. She needed to be strong, for Mew's sake, and exude calmness from every pore. Caressing the rock a final time, Hanna stood and begain looking through the names on the other headstones again, the mist creating an eldritch effect.

She might have bumped into Slay had she been walking any faster or failed to have that feeling that someone was there at the last moment. She still didn't directly recognize the man; she had never seen him outside of his lupus form, but after thirty seconds of studying him, she realized that his markings were very familiar. "Slay!? You look great!"


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