Reflections of What May Be
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rawrrr posting during linguistics lecture makes me wordy XD. 582 words

Tokyo's mind functioned in a series of binary switches. She recognized that shades of gray existed, but she had neither the patience nor the desire to liver her life acknowledging them. It was enough effort just to filter the mass of information down to the a "yes" or a "no," a "good" or an "evil." To be fair, there were two binary values that she allowed to other wolves - they were just that complex, one wasn't enough. Cwmfen was stored in Tokyo's mind as a "good" wolf instead of an "evil" one, and as a "cool" wolf instead of an "uncool" one. Evil was just a tag, an indication that the other wolf was dumb, not worth her time, and it could come about from a variety of trivial factors. For example, that crazy white wolf from Phoenix Valley did not do anything that most of society would label evil - he wasn't cruel, or sadistic, or a killer or anything. But he didn't think Tokyo was pretty, and he wasn't nice to her. Thus, he was evil. It was a simple enough system, and it worked well for this Dahlian female. Yes, Buttface was evil, and Princess was good.

She didn't mind the question about Raphael. Tokyo was always flattered when someone was interested enough to ask about her past. If it was something she didn't really want to talk about, it wasn't difficult to fabricate a more interesting or less personal version of the past. For example, the way that Raphael had seduced her was sort of shameful - so, she'd switch it up a little, and maybe add a little bit more demon to his character, just to make sure his utter evil-ness correctly got across to the other female. "He was.. very charming, at first." She pursed her lips together, considering.
"Two-faced, though I didn't learn that til later. We lived together for a few months, but when he saw I was pregnant, he disappeared, leaving me a note about how he couldn't deal with kids. Stole most of my food stores and jewelry when he went, too." A real note of anger was in her voice. It wasn't hard to import her annoyance at her pregnancy driving Champ away into the mostly fabricated words she spoke now.

Tokyo murmured a quiet "bless you" at the other's sneeze, then considered the question that followed.
"My son.. my son was, basically. I did what I could. Tried to raise him right. Didn't make much of a difference, so I chased him off when he was old enough." Memories flitted through her mind, recollections of hitting him, of hurting Buttface, of yelling and neglect and starving him.. She felt a bit uneasy, wondering honestly how much of a lie she spoke. Could she have made her son a better wolf, with a different sort of childhood? Or was preventing his evil influence from touching Princess, attempting to beat out any hints of Raphael, was that really her attempt to raise him right? It was disorienting, trying to actually touch her own real thoughts. There were so many layers of lies and fabrications, and only a small aspect of her core was every truly known to her. It didn't matter, really, so why should she dwell on it? She picked a small flower from the side of the pool, setting it in the water before her to float, letting the pretty bits of nature float her mind away from such worries.

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